Una inquietante analogia

Marek è in Germania. Pensa ai soldati tedeschi morti in battaglia per Hitler e traccia delle analogie che non mi sembrano per niente azzardate:

“I have found out for first time in my life having alwasy been told to hate Nazis that there are a lot of old, very old women in Germany who were in love once with young and handsome boys who were then taken by the mandman Hitler and thrown into battles for madness. I cried for the first time in my life for German Soldiers dying for Hitler because I hoped that in the last moments of their life they probably thought of the young women they fell in love with and they were never going to see them again. I think those old, old now German Women are angry that madness killed their young love. I also imagine that there will be many old old women in Amerika some day angry at the madness going on now; except now they are getting high on God and Patriotism, but when they are old and the drugs were off they will miss the young men they loved before another madmen sent them to die for Democracy”

Nel mio piccolo, io ho visto brave persone scendere per strada a milioni gridando “Las Malvinas son Argentinas”, in preda a una esaltazione terribile; salvo poi pentirsene amaramente davanti ai propri morti. Gente usata dal potente di turno al solo scopo di conservare il potere.

Dimmi che negli USA non è questo che sta accadendo.