I **really** don’t like the ad-ware and spy-ware Kazaa (and most other p2p clients) install, as it shows a fundamental disrespect for their audience. After installing Kazaa, and several other clients on my machine, my system was effectively unusable and it took me hours of work to remove the virus-like advertising popups that had been installed on my computer. Kazaa really is evil, and my experience with most other p2p clients has been just as bad — I just don’t understand how a executives at a company can sleep well at night, knowing their company is disabling millions of user’s desktops with crippling amounts of pop up advertising, spying on their every move, and selling that private data to third parties.
Da qualche tempo spendo praticamente tutti i miei fine settimana ripulendo i PC di amici e parenti da fetentissimo spyware. Mi invitano a cena e poi di solito dopo il caffè accennano ai loro terribili problemi, mi guardano con occhi tristi, in cui si legge il più accorato appello, e mi chiedono se non potrei magari… a quel punto io tiro fuori la memoria USB che casualmente avevo caricato con qualche tool, e molto volentieri rimetto le cose a posto.
Ma l’utente medio spesso vive il web come un brutto incubo.