Non ci posso credere. Scopro dal New York Times (subscription required) di una nuova regolamentazione Europea per gli orchestrali:
“…a new regulation imposed by the European Union that reduces the allowable sound exposure in the European orchestral workplace from the present 90 decibels to 85. The problem is, a symphony orchestra playing full-out can easily reach 96 to 98 decibels, and certain brass and percussion instruments have registered 130 to 140 at close range.
The directive — issued last February and intended to protect all workers, orchestral musicians included — specifies a daily “upper exposure action value” of 85 decibels, amid a welter of other provisions. It acknowledges “the particular characteristics of the music and entertainment sectors.” It allows discretion to member states to use averaging, specifying a weekly exposure limit of 87 decibels, and to allow a transition period for implementation.”
Se io son desto o se sogno alcuno vituperio! Ma sei sicuro che l’Europa serve a questo? Niente più Wagner?