Dopo gli entusiasmi di BloggerCon, Oliver Willis ci riporta con i piedi per terra:
During one of the Saturday sessions a member of the audience referred to the assembled crowd as “utopia”. Now, yes, I loved the blog camaraderie but quite frankly I don’t want to be the only black person in utopia. I was the only black person in that room, and was one of a few minorities. I’m not whining about that, but simply stating the fact that a technology that is mostly the pursuit of upper middle class white males does diddly to change the real world. I’m a geek through-and-thorough but when I hear tooth gnashing about issues like copyright as if they were the most important issue in the world – it tells me that the blog world is somewhat out of touch.
Tanto perché nessuno si creda che qui stiamo cambiando il mondo.