Trovi un sacco di matematica ultimamente su Community of Minds:
“Our government says the average working American makes $30,000 a year. Which is $2500 a month, or $625 a week, or $125 a day, or $15 an hour. To make the salary paid to Larry Ellison last year, the average American would have to work 23,533 years. Assuming a working life of 50 years for the average American, then our political-economic system finds one year of Larry Ellison’s working life to be more valuable to our nation than the entire working lives of 470 average Americans.”
Sono numeri reali, eppure senza senso. Come il fatto che la prossima guerra a Saddam potrebbe costare mille miliardi di dollari: ma lo sai quanto sono mille miliardi di dollari? io no.