Uccisi da un computer (e da un orticello)

Racconta la BBC:

“Tragically, within seconds of the Russian pilot heeding an instruction from Skyguide to dive, a collision avoidance computer on the other aircraft, a DHL cargo plane, suddenly told its pilot to do the same.

In other words, verbal instructions from air traffic controllers to the Russian crew, and computer instructions on the 757, put the planes on a deadly new collision course.”

E ancora:

“The Russian plane was handed over from German traffic controllers only five minutes before the crash, while the DHL plane had been handed over by Italian controllers just a few minutes before that. If the handover does turn out to be a factor in the crash, it will strengthen the argument for Europe’s proposed Single Skies system, which would replace individual countries’ airspace with an entire European Union zone.”

A metà giugno tutti i controllori di volo europei hanno scioperato contro l’iniziativa Single Skies:

“Free airspace would mean that each member country’s sky area is open to aircraft from other member countries. That “single sky” could then be co-ordinated centrally, operating with standard technical and safety standards. But the scheme’s opponents fear that it will lead to widespread job cuts…”

Quando il mio orticello vale più della vita altrui.