Perchè Palladium?

Corri a leggerti l’interessante spiegazione di Robert Scoble sul perchè di Palladium. Microsoft vuole crescere ogni anno, e per farlo deve dare retta ai suoi maggiori clienti, le Fortune 1000 Companies, le quali vogliono avere il controllo dei loro impiegati:

“What do you think your corporate IT department says to Microsoft when they come calling? I can just imagine it goes something like this:

  1. “We want the ability to know what our employees are doing with our computers.”
  2. “We want to know who they sent email to (even if it’s on a Hotmail site).”
  3. “We want to know what files they send via Instant Messaging.”
  4. “We want to know what Web sites they both looked at and published to.”
  5. “We want to be able to search any employees’ hard drive for any piece of information and get it fast.”

Why do they want to do this? Because they are paying us to do work and they want to make sure they are getting what they paid us to do. Corporate managers hate it when employees send their corporate memos to”

Insomma, Microsoft vende agli amministratori di rete, non agli utenti finali. E si vede.