Continuando il discorso su giornalisti e webloggers, Dan Gillmor segnala l’articolo di un giornalista verdino di invidia, apparso sul Boston Globe, e la divertente e ragionata risposta di un blogger/giornalista che ha capito la differenza:
Here’s the secret: people on the web are not paid to be important. They usually aren’t paid at all, of course, but the point of putting up a blog isn’t to be Influential, or to Redefine the Dialogue, or any other of the hoary old clichés. People put up blogs because they have something to say. If they post six times a day and three posts blow chunks, so what? Better that than a columnist whose every piece is stooped with the awful weight of its author’s ego.
E ancora, i blogs usano le notizie, commentano i giornali, ma:
The newspaper is a lecture. The web is a conversation.
As many have noted, that conversation depends on recycling and dissecting the lectures of the daily papers; take them away and blogs would be the equivalent of ham radio operators saying “hello? hello? I am in Westphalia. Hello?” Blogs need papers. But newspapers don’t seem to realize how they feed this new medium – instead of taking advantage of it, they treat it like a school of minnows nibbling on their toes. And Gulliver was no doubt amused by the Lilliputians until he woke up and found himself tied by a thousand small ropes.
Molto ben detto.