b2c e-commerce? in che film?
Questo articolo tratto dal sito www.1to1.com si intitola “The Holy Grail of Retailing”. Per leggerlo tutto devi registrarti, ma se non ne hai voglia ti cito alcuni passi:
“…the energy expended on building online stores often far exceeds the scale of the channel. Figures from the U.S. Commerce Department show that $25.8 billion in online sales in 2000 accounted for less than 1 percent (0.8 percent to be exact) of all retail sales. And even though AMR predicts that online retail sales will reach $100 billion by 2003, it will represent just 3 percent of all retail revenue.”
Le percentuali di cui sopra sembrano decretare la irrilevanza del canale web ai fini del ROI; ma non tutto รจ perduto: infatti,
“…retailers have an economic incentive for engaging their customers-before they shop at a store, while they are there and after they leave. According to Jupiter Research, consumers who use multiple channels were expected to spend $7 in stores for every $1 they spend online in 2001. Jupiter also estimates that Web-influenced spending-sales made in a store that were in part the result of online “window shopping”-will account for 24 percent of all consumer spending by 2005, or $632 billion.”